Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Truth That Hurts or the Truth that Will Set You Free?

Starting a business is not fun, not fun at all.

I bought my first oven in 2007, baked my first cake a week later for Christmas Eve dinner. It was a Red Velvet cake, three layers, with slightly burnt bottoms and covered in not-so-fluffy poor man's frosting. Everyone who had a piece loved it. They had no idea what Red Velvet was and some of the kids were afraid to eat a red cake. I loved it. I was so glad there were leftovers and I probably had that cake for the next three days.

The reason I wanted to bake was simple. I love cake. For me, it's the best part of any party. My eyes would light up when I walk into a room and see the beautiful, delicious cake on display and almost always I have to be the one to suggest to start cutting it. So when I bought my first oven I was in heaven. I could just bake a cake anytime I want. Or cookies. Or brownies. Anything, really.

It could be 1 AM and I could be watching The Bourne Ultimatum on HBO and I'd suddenly have a craving for brownies. Before the oven I would just scour the fridge for anything chocolate. But not anymore, I had the power. The power to bake.

Baking is so much fun. Eating the cake is even more fun. Trying to get the courage to sell people cakes... not fun at all. I just don't feel like I'm good enough. Or people won't be willing to part with their hard earned cash for my cakes.

It's a lot of doubt and fear and second-guessing. Do I have what it takes? Am I ready? I want so much to leap without looking, to just trust myself but it's so hard.

What if baking stops being fun? That's my biggest fear.


  1. Don't worry so much. I'd say, just continue to enjoy what you are doing, without any pressure! I'm sure you'll do great :)

  2. Thanks avanika! I just don't do so well under pressure. Thanks for visiting!
